What Happens When You Get Dental Veneers

Dentist Blog

Dental veneers are typically used to make a correction to someone's smile. This is when a tooth is chipped, discolored, rotated, or misshapen. The process of getting dental veneers will take multiple visits, which is why it's important to have proper expectations about what will happen so that you can be prepared. 


Everything starts by getting a consultation; this is where a dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers. They are going to look for health issues that could prevent you from getting veneers, such as issues with gum disease or tooth decay, that need to be addressed. In addition, they check to see if you have enough tooth enamel for the veneers to stick to the surface and if there are signs of teeth grinding which can cause problems with new veneers.


If you decide to get dental veneers, the next step will be to have an impression taken of your teeth. You will bite down onto trays that create molds of the exact size and placement of each tooth, which are used to craft the dental veneers that will be placed on your teeth. 


A thin layer of enamel must be removed from the surface of the teeth in preparation for the veneers. The purpose is to create a rough surface for the veneers to stick to. Another impression is taken of your mouth, and both impressions are sent off to a lab.

Temporary Veneers 

You'll have temporary dental veneers placed on your teeth, which are to give your teeth protection while the final veneers are being prepared. These dental veneers will not look exactly like your final veneers, but they are good enough to give you a visual improvement and function as protection. 

Final Veneers

Once the lab has completed the fabrication of the final veneers, you'll return to the dentist to have them placed on your teeth. The temporary veneers will be removed from the surface of the teeth so that the final veneers can be bonded in their place. 


You'll be given instructions from your dentist on how to care for your new veneers. If you had issues with teeth grinding, you may be told to wear a nightguard in order to protect your veneers from accidentally being damaged. You'll need to floss and brush like you normally would, avoid any bad habits like nail-biting, and take steps to prevent them from becoming stained. 

Contact your dentist to learn more.


27 September 2022

To Tell the Tooth: A Dental Blog

Do you care for your teeth like you should? Most people brush their teeth, but so many people rush through this process and are not as careful as they should be. Still others avoid flossing. A lack of dental care over the years can lead to increased decay. Thankfully, we have dentists who can treat decay with fillings, crowns, and in some cases, root canals. Dentists also provide preventative care. They can clean your teeth and use things like fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel. The more you know about dental care, the better you'll be able to care for your mouth, so feel free to read some of the articles on this website.