4 Ways To Keep Your Family In Good Oral Health

Dentist Blog

Your family's oral health goes hand-in-hand with their overall health. You should make sure that you are doing everything you can to keep your family's teeth and gums healthy. There are simple steps that you can integrate into your lifestyle to make sure that your family's oral health is a top priority. Here are four ways to keep your family in good oral health.

Offer a variety of mouth-healthy foods.

The food your family eats can help contribute to their oral health. Make sure to offer a variety of mouth-healthy foods throughout the day.  Dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese provide minerals to help strengthen teeth. Citrus fruits like oranges provide vitamin C, which helps to fight oral infections like gingivitis. The adults in the family can also swap out a cup of coffee for a mug of green tea. Green tea helps provide antioxidants that are helpful in fighting infections.

Keep regular appointments with the family dentist.

The best thing you can do to protect your family's oral health is to keep regular appointments with the family dentist. You should see your family dentist at least twice a year for regular exams and cleanings. This allows your dentist to evaluate the state of your teeth and gums, and to make suggestions about changes to your diet and oral health. Visiting your dentist as a family also allows your children to see you modeling positive behaviors, which can help alleviate any apprehension they have about visiting the dentist.

Replace toothbrushes at least four times a year.

You should replace each of your family members' toothbrushes at least four times a year. Over time, the bristles of the toothbrush become frayed. They are no longer able to effectively remove plaque and food debris at that point. Additionally, your toothbrush may collect viral or bacterial infections if it is stored in the same space as a family member's toothbrush as well. Make sure to regularly rinse and shake the water out of your toothbrush, and store it in a cool, dry area to keep it from harboring infectious agents.

Avoid tooth-staining drinks as much as possible.

Highly pigmented beverages such as soda and coffee can potentially stain your teeth. Try to limit your family's intake of these beverages as much as possible. When you do decide to indulge in these beverages, try to drink them through a straw. This helps to limit the beverage's contact with your teeth. If that is not an option, then rinse your mouth out with water to help clear potentially staining pigments from your teeth. Reach out to an oral health specialist in your area for family dental care.


11 September 2020

To Tell the Tooth: A Dental Blog

Do you care for your teeth like you should? Most people brush their teeth, but so many people rush through this process and are not as careful as they should be. Still others avoid flossing. A lack of dental care over the years can lead to increased decay. Thankfully, we have dentists who can treat decay with fillings, crowns, and in some cases, root canals. Dentists also provide preventative care. They can clean your teeth and use things like fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel. The more you know about dental care, the better you'll be able to care for your mouth, so feel free to read some of the articles on this website.