FAQs About Braces

Dentist Blog

Even though Invisalign and other orthodontic options are available to help straighten teeth and misaligned jaws, metal braces are still a great choice for patients of all ages. If you have never had metal braces before and you just aren't sure if they are the right option for you, this article will answer some frequently asked questions about them. 

FAQ: How do they work? 

Metal braces are comprised of brackets that are stuck onto your teeth and wires that go between these brackets. Then, on your back molars, you will have little cranks. Every time you go into the orthodontist, they will make adjustments to your braces by tightening or loosening the cranks to help move your teeth into the perfect position. 

FAQ: How long do I have to wear them for? 

The answer to this question really depends on the condition of your teeth and jawbone. If your jaw is misaligned and needs to be straightened, then that will add some additional time to everything. On average, most people wear their metal braces for about 12-18 months, but that can increase depending on the shape of your teeth. 

FAQ: How much do they cost? 

On average, metal braces cost just under $5,000 for patients who don't have dental insurance and about $3500 for those who do have dental insurance. If you are having a hard time paying for your braces, ask your orthodontist about payment plans or options that they have. 

FAQ: Do metal braces hurt? 

When you first get your braces put on and after every time you have them tightened, you will notice that your teeth and jaw are a bit sore—which is totally normal. Before you come to your dental appointment, consider taking an over-the-counter pain medication like Ibuprofen to ease the pain before it starts. Also, you can ice your jaw afterwards and eat soft foods until the pain and soreness subside. 

FAQ: Do I really have to avoid gum and popcorn when I have metal braces? 

For the most part, orthodontists recommend that patients stay away from gum and popcorn when they have metal braces for a variety of reasons. Popcorn kernels can get lodged in between your brackets and cause things to shift around, or they can just be hard to get out.

Although gum won't necessarily do anything to your braces, it can easily get caught in your brackets which can feel impossible to get out. Unless you absolutely have to have gum or popcorn, don't do it. 

To learn more about braces and braces services, reach out to an orthodontist near you. 


31 March 2020

To Tell the Tooth: A Dental Blog

Do you care for your teeth like you should? Most people brush their teeth, but so many people rush through this process and are not as careful as they should be. Still others avoid flossing. A lack of dental care over the years can lead to increased decay. Thankfully, we have dentists who can treat decay with fillings, crowns, and in some cases, root canals. Dentists also provide preventative care. They can clean your teeth and use things like fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel. The more you know about dental care, the better you'll be able to care for your mouth, so feel free to read some of the articles on this website.