What Foods Should You Avoid To Keep Cavities Away?

Dentist Blog

Cavities are a problem that nobody wants to go through, but they are unfortunately something that most people will nonetheless experience in their lives. Whether you've had no cavities or several in your life, taking steps to avoid them wherever possible is advised. Here's what food types you should avoid — and indulge in — to help keep your teeth healthy.


Sugar is the most well-known offender when it comes to cavities. Sugar acts as fuel for the bacteria that produces plaque and tartar, speeding up the production of these two components. Both plaque and tartar can cause cavities, and the bacteria responsible for it can potentially trigger gum disease, too. For this reason, it's best to avoid sugar whenever possible. If you're going to eat it, at least rinse your mouth with water afterwards; brushing is even better.

Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, and ramen are all simple carbohydrates. The problem here is that simple carbohydrates essentially break down into sugar in the mouth, also acting as the perfect fuel for oral bacteria. So if you want to avoid cavities, try to avoid these types of carbohydrates. 

Bonus: What to Eat

The good news is, there are some foods out there that have been shown to be beneficial to oral health, and teeth in particular.

To start with, you can enjoy sugar-free gum as much as you want. It's not just the lack of sugar that's helpful, though. Many sugar free gums contain xylitol as a sweetener. This sweetener has been shown to help slow the growth of bacteria that's responsible for the development of plaque. In addition, chewing sugar-free gum stimulates the body to produce more saliva, which helps to wash away bacteria and plaque.

You can also enjoy cheese and milk. These substances actually produce a protective layer on the teeth that can help to guard them from dangerous sugars and simple carbs.

And of course, you can keep enjoying vegetables, fibrous fruit, and complex carbohydrates. These foods are harder to break down and tend to be less useful to the bacteria in the mouth, so they don't speed up the production of plaque the same way.

Taking care of your teeth doesn't have to be hard. By limiting how much sugar and simple carbs you consume and increasing your intake of the other foods mentioned here, you can help to protect your teeth from cavities. Talk to a dental care professional to learn more. 


23 March 2020

To Tell the Tooth: A Dental Blog

Do you care for your teeth like you should? Most people brush their teeth, but so many people rush through this process and are not as careful as they should be. Still others avoid flossing. A lack of dental care over the years can lead to increased decay. Thankfully, we have dentists who can treat decay with fillings, crowns, and in some cases, root canals. Dentists also provide preventative care. They can clean your teeth and use things like fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel. The more you know about dental care, the better you'll be able to care for your mouth, so feel free to read some of the articles on this website.