Reasons For Tooth Extraction Other Than Decay

Dentist Blog

Often, a tooth is extracted due to severe dental decay. The decay, which results in the demineralization of the tooth enamel, causes the formation of cavities. When a cavity is so large that it cannot be treated with a dental filling and crown, the tooth must be removed. Nevertheless, decay is not the only reason for a dental extraction. Here are a few other reasons why a dentist may suggest a tooth's removal.

Preparation for Braces

If there are too many teeth to fit properly within the dimensions of your oral cavity, an extraction may be necessary before an orthodontic correction can be performed. In order for braces and other orthodontic appliances to reposition the teeth into the desired alignment, there must be enough room for the teeth to move. 

Some people suffer from dental crowding because their mouth is too small to accommodate the number of teeth that they have. The crowding may be so severe that some portions of their upper or lower palate may appear to have two rows of teeth. Once the dentist has identified the teeth that should be removed, and the extraction is completed, the orthodontic correction can begin.

Primary Teeth That Won't Shed

As a permanent tooth grows beneath a primary tooth, the primary tooth usually loosens and sheds. The primary tooth's purpose as a placeholder for a permanent tooth has been fulfilled once the permanent tooth presents. Still, there are instances when a primary tooth does not release from the gums, even though the permanent tooth has erupted. To help ensure that the presence of the primary tooth does not cause additional problems, such as alignment issues and dental decay, the dentist may extract the stubborn tooth. 

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, which are the final molars in the mouth to present, can cause issues as they grow. When there is a substantial amount of room in the mouth, the wisdom teeth may present in the same fashion as the other teeth. However, if the mouth cannot accommodate the teeth, the wisdom teeth may remain impacted below the gums. 

The impacted teeth can place pressure on adjacent teeth, causing pain and forcing the teeth out of their proper position. Once the wisdom teeth are extracted, the discomfort and pressure that they caused are alleviated. If you believe that one or more of your teeth should be extracted, contact a dental office like AQ Denture and Dental Implant Center today.


25 September 2018

To Tell the Tooth: A Dental Blog

Do you care for your teeth like you should? Most people brush their teeth, but so many people rush through this process and are not as careful as they should be. Still others avoid flossing. A lack of dental care over the years can lead to increased decay. Thankfully, we have dentists who can treat decay with fillings, crowns, and in some cases, root canals. Dentists also provide preventative care. They can clean your teeth and use things like fluoride treatments to strengthen your enamel. The more you know about dental care, the better you'll be able to care for your mouth, so feel free to read some of the articles on this website.